Wednesday, July 1, 2015

More Utah National Parks!

We are currently hunkered down all cozy in the bus enjoying listening to thunder, playing Uno and writing in the blog.  This is our second night in such a majestic spot with mountain views and no one around for free.  Tom and I woke to coyotes howling with puppy howls as well last night.

On Monday we rented a car while Bambam had some work on the brakes which was successful and not so successful work on the lower gears, but she has been driving fine and we are doing without shifting her into the lower gears.  Anyway, our rented Toyota Camry with over 200,000 miles did well driving up to explore Canyonlands and we enjoyed about ten degrees cooler temps.  We hiked A Whale and a rim hike.  The kids have been really pretty amazing hikers, but the vistas are completely lost on them.  Completely unimpressed and much more interested in the micro parts of the trip...rock scrambling, hunting for lizards, watching Ravens, crawling through caves, etc.  I have taken to telling them they must act excited at viewpoints for our sake.  We picked up the bus and drove to another gorgeous free site outside of Goblin Valley State Park.  I have learned that what we are doing is called disperse camping...I love it!  I don't think I will ever quite enjoy a filled up campground again.

Goblin Valley State Park has just some of the weirdest rock structures I have ever seen.  We played some hide and seek and climbed all over.  The only unfortunate part is while in Indy I managed to walk into a parking meter which for most would not be such a big problem, but with my pace and the way it jutted out has left me with bruised or cracked ribs.  They are getting better and I have gone on about three runs before the kids get up, but that day my ribs really felt awful after the run so we didn't stick around or do the slot canyon I had picked in the area.  I don't see a slot in our future for this trip.

We hiked the Queens garden/Navajo loop trail this morning as well as the rim trail at Bryce Canyon.  The trail work is phenomenal so that people can enjoy such a spectacular area.  We plan to do a longer harder (more elevation gain/loss) trail tomorrow morning.  We haven't been good with consistent eating and so the kids have been getting quite hungry/emotional around lunch time.  Today they were on a rant about how deprived they are with no Kindles, video games, movies AND we are the only parents in their whole grades that make them do chores like clearing the table and cleaning their rooms once a week.  I said you don't have to do any chores on this trip and Maggie said, "Yeah, but we have to hike."  This is true we make them hike and I was thinking today how it would be nice at times if there were babysitting services at National Parks like on cruise ships so Tom and I could go do a few of the tougher trails at our own pace, but really they have been awesome as long as remember to feed them.

Can't believe it is July.  I have nicely lost track of to the north rim of the Grand Canyon tomorrow.


  1. I am absolutely amazed at all you are doing ! Stay safe ! Love

    1. Advice for M and Q afternoon traveling for weeks in Europe with your Mom I remember quite a few times when your Mom would forgetfully stop for a meal or snack after miles in a museum. My solution pack a few extra snickers bars and when she would look tired and hungry I would happily pull out my chocolate and Enjoy! She would plea for just one bite and I would say maybe tomorrow you'll remember to make time to eat.
