Friday, June 19, 2015

Mo' thoughts so far.....

Thank goodness we made it to Indiana!

Tom and I are at our best when traveling.  We are more patient, we assume best intent, we handle each other's mistakes with alacrity.  Maybe this is because we fell in love traveling.  Maybe this is because we expect mishaps or maybe it is because our attention is solely focused and united or maybe it is because we remember we really like each other which can sometimes get lost in the busyness of every day life.

There is practically no way that we will be able to get a speeding ticket.  We would have to be going down a steep incline and pushing down the gas pedal with significant intent to go above 70.

I wish I could bottle up Maggie and Quinn's giggling as I know this lack of self consciousness will not last forever.  Sigh...

My patience for my kids knows no bounds when they are strapped into their car seats about six feet behind me doing activity books and watching movies and I get to glance at them in the rear view mirror and think about how adorable they are.

I will not count how many times we hear, "Where are we?  Are we almost there?  How much more minutes?"  Answers...still in Pennsylvania.  About five more movies until Indianapolis.

I am so excited to go to Indy!  We haven't been since last July, but the Big trip won't feel real until we take 70 West leaving Indy.

Yesterday a neighbor who has four VW buses stopped by to give last minute advice.  I mentioned breaking down and he said, Maybe not, this is a really new bus.  I had to laugh as it is twenty years "new", but in VW bus land that IS new.

It is a very good thing that I don't have a discerning ear because even I can tell that our sound system is awful.

Not a good idea to paint one's toes while traveling and not bring nail polish remover.

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